Arrival at Istanbul

Well since i'm back now i can tell you how it was and what i did in turkey while my vacation. I'm gonna write more blogposts from my Istanbul trip than one so i can tell more in detail.

After my mom came from work on friday the 1th august we had a breakfast at our local bacery and from there we started our 20 hours car trip to Istanbul. Most of the time my dad was driving but whenever he was tired i took over the driving. Every time i was driving it was raining badly :(

We arrived at Istanbul on saturday at 12 o'clock. My parents left me at the dormitory in Beşyol near the Aydin university which was actually the reason i went to Istanbul for summer school. I met my roommate Rina from Indonesia. We talked a bit and i joined her, Andika (he came with her from Indonesia), Vassilis from Greece and Nancy (from Greece as well) in the evening. We walked arround the dormitory and searched for a place to eat dinner for. The place we went to had great food but mine was a little spicy and while we were getting to know each other we decided to explore Istanbul a bit at the next day together.

I can definitely tell that you're gonna wake up sweaty and have a lot of mosquito bites in Istanbul in the summer time if you don't have an air conditioner in the room and sleep with an open window.

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Maira Gall